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A History of 420

The History and Celebration of 420: Unraveling the Origins and Significance

Have you ever wondered about the origins of 420 and why it’s celebrated with such enthusiasm in cannabis culture? Let’s delve into the intriguing history of 420, exploring its roots and the reasons behind its enduring popularity.

Unveiling the Origins of 420

The story of 420 dates back to the early 1970s in California, where a group of high school students, known as the “Waldos,” coined the term. The Waldos would meet at 4:20 p.m. after school to embark on a treasure hunt of sorts, searching for a fabled abandoned cannabis crop. Their chosen meeting time, “420,” became their secret code for cannabis consumption and adventure.

As word spread, 420 evolved from a simple time marker into a symbol of camaraderie among cannabis enthusiasts. Its clandestine origins added an aura of mystery and rebellion, further fueling its appeal within the counterculture movement of the time.

Why Do We Celebrate 420?

The celebration of 420 has grown far beyond its humble beginnings, becoming a global phenomenon embraced by cannabis enthusiasts worldwide. But what exactly fuels the fervor behind this date?

  1. Cultural Significance: 420 has transcended its origins to become a cultural touchstone for cannabis users. It represents a shared experience, a moment of unity, and a celebration of the plant’s diverse benefits.

  2. Advocacy and Legalization: For many, 420 is not just a celebration but also a call to action. It serves as a platform for cannabis advocacy, pushing for legalization, social acceptance, and the end of stigma surrounding cannabis use.

  3. Community and Connection: The 420 community is a vibrant tapestry of people from all walks of life. On this day, connections are forged, friendships are strengthened, and a sense of belonging is fostered within the cannabis community.

  4. Innovation and Industry Showcase: Businesses within the cannabis industry often use 420 as an opportunity to showcase new products, offer special promotions, and engage with their customer base. It’s a time of innovation and excitement for both consumers and industry insiders.

  5. Cultural Evolution: Over time, 420 has evolved beyond its origins to encompass a broader spectrum of cannabis-related activities, from music festivals and educational events to wellness workshops and artistic expressions. It reflects the ever-changing landscape of cannabis culture and its integration into mainstream society.

Celebrating Responsibly

While 420 is a day of celebration and camaraderie, it’s crucial to emphasize responsible consumption and adherence to local laws. Whether you’re enjoying cannabis for recreational or medicinal purposes, mindfulness and moderation are key principles to uphold.

In essence, 420 is more than just a date on the calendar; it’s a symbol of unity, advocacy, and cultural evolution within the cannabis community. As we celebrate this iconic day, let’s continue to advocate for responsible use, legalization, and the positive impact of cannabis on individuals and society as a whole.

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The Endocannabinoid System: Your Body’s Natural Balance

In the intricate dance of biology within our bodies lies a fascinating system known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This intricate network of receptors and neurotransmitters plays a pivotal role in maintaining balance and harmony, influencing everything from mood and appetite to pain sensation and immune response. Let’s delve into the wonders of the ECS, unraveling its mysteries and exploring how hemp-derived THC contributes to this delicate equilibrium.

What is the Endocannabinoid System?

Imagine the ECS as a sophisticated regulatory system, akin to a conductor orchestrating a symphony of physiological processes. Comprising cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2), endocannabinoids (such as anandamide and 2-AG), and enzymes that synthesize and break down these endocannabinoids, this system is intricately woven throughout our central nervous system, peripheral tissues, and organs.

How Does the ECS Work?

At its core, the ECS operates on a simple yet profound principle: maintaining homeostasis, the body’s state of equilibrium. When there’s a disruption or imbalance, such as inflammation or stress, the ECS springs into action. Endocannabinoids are synthesized on-demand in response to physiological cues, binding to cannabinoid receptors to modulate various functions.

CB1 receptors are predominantly found in the brain and nervous system, influencing processes like mood, memory, and pain perception. CB2 receptors, on the other hand, are more prevalent in immune cells and peripheral tissues, playing a crucial role in immune response and inflammation regulation.

Hemp-Derived THC and the ECS: A Harmonious Interaction

Enter tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one of the many cannabinoids found in hemp. THC’s chemical structure closely resembles our endocannabinoids, allowing it to interact with CB1 and CB2 receptors with remarkable affinity. This interaction triggers a cascade of effects, leading to the euphoria and therapeutic benefits associated with THC consumption.

When THC binds to CB1 receptors in the brain, it can alter neurotransmitter release, impacting mood, perception, and pain sensation. Additionally, THC’s interaction with CB2 receptors modulates immune responses, making it a valuable ally in managing inflammatory conditions. However, it’s crucial to note that while THC offers therapeutic potential, its psychoactive properties necessitate responsible usage to avoid adverse effects.

CB1 and CB2 receptors are key components of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), playing vital roles in modulating various physiological processes. Here’s an explanation of what CB1 and CB2 receptors are and which cannabinoids interact with them:

CB1 Receptors

Location: Predominantly found in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).


      • Influence mood regulation, including anxiety and depression.
      • Modulate memory and cognition.
      • Regulate pain perception.
      • Impact appetite and feeding behavior.
      • Play a role in motor control.

Cannabinoids that Bind to CB1 Receptors: 

      • Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC): Found in cannabis/hemp, responsible for the psychoactive effects associated with cannabis consumption. This includes all derivitives of THC like Delta 9, Delta 8, and Delta 10.

CB2 Receptors

Location: Primarily found in immune cells, peripheral tissues, and organs.


      • Regulate immune response and inflammation.
      • Contribute to pain modulation, especially in inflammatory conditions.
      • Play a role in bone health and remodeling.
      • Influence gastrointestinal function.

Cannabinoids that Bind to CB2 Receptors:

      • Cannabidiol (CBD): A non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis/hemp, known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
      • Cannabinol (CBN): Has potential anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, though research is ongoing.
      • Cannabigerol (CBG): Shows promise in modulating inflammation, pain, and neuroprotection.
      • Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCa): The acidic precursor of  Delta 9 THC, which may have anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties.

Harnessing the Power of the Endocannabinoid System for Well-Being

Understanding the endocannabinoid system and its interplay with hemp-derived THC opens doors to holistic wellness strategies. By supporting ECS function through lifestyle choices, such as exercise, stress management, and nutrition, we can enhance our body’s natural ability to maintain balance and health.

In conclusion, the endocannabinoid system stands as a testament to the intricate harmony within our bodies. Through ongoing research and exploration, we continue to unlock its secrets, paving the way for innovative therapies and a deeper understanding of human physiology.

Join the journey of discovery and embrace the wonders of the ECS, your body’s ally in achieving holistic well-being.

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Terpenes VS High Terpene Extracts (HTE)

Terpenes and High Terpene Extracts (HTE) are integral components of the cannabis plant that play crucial roles in its aroma, flavor, and therapeutic effects. To comprehend their differences and how they interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), it’s essential to delve into their definitions and functions.

Understanding Terpenes

Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in various plants, including cannabis. They contribute to the plant’s distinct scent and flavor profile, offering a diverse range of fragrances such as citrus, pine, and floral notes. terpenes are synthesized in the plant’s trichomes, the tiny glandular structures where cannabinoids like THC and CBD are also produced. While terpenes are not exclusive to cannabis, their presence in different strains influences the overall experience and effects when consumed. To learn more about terpenes, check out our post “Pain? Stress? Inflammation? Here’s How Terpenes Can Help”.

On the other hand, High Terpene Extracts (HTE) are concentrated forms of terpenes extracted from cannabis plants. This extraction process involves carefully preserving the terpene profile to retain their aromatic and therapeutic properties. HTE is highly valued for its potency and ability to enhance the entourage effect—the synergistic interaction between cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds in cannabis that may amplify therapeutic benefits.

Both terpenes and HTE interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex network of receptors, enzymes, and endocannabinoids throughout the body. The ECS plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological functions, including mood, pain sensation, appetite, and immune response.

Terpenes interact with the ECS through multiple mechanisms:

  1. Receptor Modulation: Some terpenes can directly bind to cannabinoid receptors, such as CB1 and CB2 receptors, influencing their activity and signaling pathways. For example, beta-caryophyllene, found in strains like OG Kush and Girl Scout Cookies, acts as a selective CB2 receptor agonist, potentially contributing to anti-inflammatory effects.

  2. Enzyme Inhibition: Terpenes like limonene and linalool may inhibit enzymes responsible for breaking down endocannabinoids, leading to increased levels of these natural cannabinoids in the body. This inhibition could prolong the effects of endocannabinoids like anandamide, known for its mood-regulating properties.

  3. Neurotransmitter Modulation: Certain terpenes have been shown to affect neurotransmitter activity, such as enhancing serotonin or dopamine levels, which can influence mood, cognition, and pain perception.

In contrast, HTE, being concentrated terpenes, can have a more pronounced impact on ECS modulation due to their higher potency. When consumed alongside cannabinoids like THC and CBD, HTE can enhance the therapeutic effects through the entourage effect. For example, a strain rich in both THC and myrcene, a common terpene with sedative properties, may produce stronger sedation and relaxation compared to THC alone.

In summary, terpenes and HTE are essential components of cannabis that interact with the endocannabinoid system, contributing to the plant’s diverse effects and therapeutic potential. Their ability to modulate ECS activity through receptor binding, enzyme inhibition, and neurotransmitter modulation underscores their significance in cannabis science and the development of targeted therapeutic formulations.

Curious about HTE?

Introducing our premium HTE (High Terpenes Extract) drippers, designed to deliver a concentrated and flavorful experience like no other. Crafted with precision and expertise, our HTE drippers are meticulously extracted to preserve the natural terpenes and cannabinoids, including a high THCa content, ensuring a potent and aromatic vaping experience. Each dripper is carefully filled with a rich blend of terpenes, enhancing the entourage effect and maximizing the therapeutic benefits of the hemp plant.

With our HTE drippers, you can indulge in the full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes, all in one convenient and easy-to-use package. Whether you’re a connoisseur seeking intense flavor profiles or a medical user looking for powerful relief, our HTE drippers offer a versatile solution. Elevate your vaping experience with our premium HTE drippers and unlock the true essence of hemp-derived goodness.

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Pain? Stress? Inflammation? Here’s How Terpenes Can Help

Terpenes are a diverse class of organic compounds found in various plants, including cannabis. These compounds are responsible for the distinct aromas and flavors associated with different hemp strains. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what terpenes are and how they work to create unique sensory experiences for hemp consumers.

What Are Terpenes?

Terpenes are aromatic molecules produced by a wide range of plants, including fruits, flowers, and herbs. They are synthesized in the trichomes, which are small, resinous glands found on the surface of hemp flowers and leaves. Terpenes serve multiple functions in plants, including attracting pollinators, repelling predators, and protecting against pathogens.

In hemp, terpenes contribute significantly to the overall profile of each strain, influencing its aroma, flavor, and even therapeutic effects. There are hundreds of different terpenes identified in hemp, each with its own distinct characteristics and potential benefits.

How Do Terpenes Work?

Aroma and Flavor: One of the primary functions of terpenes in hemp is to create the unique aromas and flavors that distinguish one strain from another. For example, the terpene myrcene is commonly associated with earthy and musky scents, while limonene imparts a citrusy aroma. These aromatic profiles not only enhance the sensory experience but also play a role in strain selection based on personal preferences.

Entourage Effect: Terpenes work synergistically with cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD, to produce what is known as the entourage effect. This phenomenon suggests that the combined action of cannabinoids and terpenes results in enhanced therapeutic benefits compared to isolated compounds. For instance, the presence of the terpene beta-caryophyllene may contribute to the alleged anti-inflammatory properties of certain cannabis strains.

Therapeutic Potential: Beyond their role in aroma and flavor, terpenes have gained attention for their potential therapeutic effects. Some terpenes have been observed to exhibit anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, or sedative properties, among others. For example, the terpene linalool is has been said to have calming and relaxing effects, making it a desirable component in strains used for stress relief or insomnia.

Interaction with the Endocannabinoid System: Terpenes can also interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex network of receptors and neurotransmitters involved in regulating various physiological functions. While cannabinoids primarily target ECS receptors, terpenes may modulate the effects of cannabinoids by influencing receptor activity or neurotransmitter levels, contributing to the overall therapeutic impact.

In conclusion, hemp terpenes are not just aromatic compounds but also key players in the potential health benefits of hemp-derived products. By exploring and appreciating the diverse array of terpenes present in hemp, consumers can make informed choices based on their desired sensory experiences and wellness goals. The synergy between terpenes and cannabinoids underscores the holistic nature of hemp’s therapeutic potential, highlighting the importance of terpenes in maximizing the benefits of hemp-based wellness products.

Incorporating Terpenes into Concentrates

Incorporating terpenes into concentrates involves a careful and strategic process to enhance the aroma, flavor, and overall experience of the final product. One common method is to reintroduce terpenes that were lost during the extraction process back into the concentrate. This can be achieved by using terpene-rich extracts or isolated terpenes derived from natural sources. By adding terpenes back into the concentrate, manufacturers can create a more robust and flavorful product that closely resembles the original strain’s aromatic profile.

Another approach is to blend different terpenes to achieve a desired flavor profile or therapeutic effect. This involves experimenting with various terpene combinations to create unique and tailored experiences for consumers. By carefully selecting and blending terpenes, concentrate producers can customize their products to cater to different preferences and market demands, offering a diverse range of options for consumers seeking specific sensory experiences or therapeutic benefits.

For those looking to incorporate terpenes into concentrates, 10DC offers an exceptional range of options with their 1mL and 2mL terpene solutions. With 10DC’s high-quality terpenes, concentrate producers can elevate their products to new heights, enhancing aroma, flavor, and therapeutic potential. Whether you’re reintroducing lost terpenes or blending unique combinations for customized experiences, 10DC’s terpenes options provide reliability, consistency, and exceptional results. Explore the world of terpenes with 10DC and unlock a universe of possibilities for your concentrates.

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